There is an old myth that states that all cats have 9 lives. With us being intelligent beings, we know this isn't true. This morning as I was sulking into my prison away from home also known as "school", something caught my eye. laying in a corner was a cat, primarily black but calico nonetheless. I walk up to it slowly, thinking it would run away (because that's what healthy cats do), but it just continued to lay there. As crazy as it sounds, I squat down next to it and actually asked it what was wrong.
"Are you hurt?"
"Are you cold?"
"Are you tired?"
It was strange enough that it seemed as if I were actually communicating with it, but somehow, deep down, I knew that there was something wrong. My instincts, however, reminded me that cats are not allowed into the school and that I should let it be. I then thought to myself, "if it's there after school, I'll help it. If it isn't there then it obviously doesn't need rescuing and I can just go home and forget about it". Every now and again during the school day, the thought of the helpless feline kept crossing my mind. As the day came to a close, I walked out to check and see if the cat was still there, and to my surprise, it was! it had only moved a foot away from the spot I found it in. I walk up to it, while it lay on its side, I again ask:
"Are you okay?"
"Are you hurt?"
"Do you want me to help you?"
As stupid as it sounds, I expected it to attack me and was expecting it. To my surprise, it let me pick it up and let me carry it up to my car. The only part I did not enjoy was all the looks I got from people staring as i carry a cat to my car. It was an unusual sight, I'm sure, but no one said anything. All I got were stares and silent laughter. As I drive off, i had a few places in mind where i could take her. There is an animal shelter in my town that might have taken her, if not them....then my last resort would be to take her to the vet. When I got to the shelter, i asked if they had a vet that could take a look at it, because I knew she was sick and needed medical attention. They denied me saying "we can't take her in, but you can call animal control." She game me numbers to call, so I did. I called animal control: "we don't take cats, call New Leash on Life." So i call them: "we don't do pickups, you'll have to take it to the vet." i know the vet should have been my first option, but i knew that they would probably ask me to pay for the cat, and i don't have that kind of money right now, but I did it any way. There is a vet clinic right by the shelter. I walk in, tell her my story, she goes and talks to the vet. They gave me conditions, I wouldn't have to pay, they would try to find her a good home, they'd test her for diseases and get her back in healthy condition again, but I can't call in and ask how she's doing and I could never see her again (they found out it was female and that she has had a litter of kittens before) Hearing this news, as irrational it may sound, broke my heart. Even though I hadn't spent quite any time with her, I started growing attached. I brought her in and they examined her. They said she hadn't contracted any disease, so euthinasion was out of the question. Seeing how distraught I was with never being able to see or hear about her again, The intern gave me her number and said I could call and ask about the kitty whenever I wanted. So here's my question to you, 1. Did I do the right thing? 2. Does this sound like some sort of destiny? and 3. would it be wrong to possibly adopt her later?
send me comments on what you think about my story :) Thanks!
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